JLA Guidebook

The JLA priority setting workshop online

Due to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the JLA has taken steps to adapt its established in-person workshop to be delivered in an online setting. This section of the Guidebook aims to support PSPs in making the decision to plan and run a workshop online. It sets out the current approach and learning to date. The JLA will continue to evaluate this approach, gathering feedback from PSP leads, Steering Group members and workshop participants, and will develop its guidance accordingly. A Report on JLA PSP online priority setting workshops can be seen in the JLA Lab section of the website.

In establishing how best to deliver its priority setting workshop model online, the JLA is working to develop an approach that:

  • maintains the JLA's principles of inclusivity of patients, carers and clinicians, equal involvement of those groups, transparency of process and a commitment to the evidence base
  • retains the established and trusted steps by which the JLA workshop enables consensus development - so while adaptations have inevitably been made, the process, and the facilitation of that process, should still be recognisably "JLA"
  • retains the characteristics which make the JLA workshop model successful in setting priorities: encouragement of open dialogue, participation, trust, fairness, exchange of views, teamwork, and neutral facilitation; and
  • offers reassurance and consistency to the PSPs who must take this option, acknowledging its limitations and challenges, while ensuring their outputs are as robust and credible as possible.