JLA Guidebook

Chapter 11: Follow up

Following up with the JLA

After the priority setting workshop, the JLA would like to hear any feedback from Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) about their experience of the process. The JLA will send a short feedback questionnaire to PSP Leads who are encouraged to complete it and to pass it on to other relevant people involved in the PSP. The JLA has a separate feedback survey for Steering Group members which the JLA Adviser will send to the PSP Lead to email to the group. The responses from all these surveys will come directly to the JLA Secretariat team who will treat the responses in confidence. The questionnaires provide an opportunity for those involved in the PSP to comment on the JLA process, which will help to inform future development work for the JLA. The JLA team is keen to hear all views - good or bad.

Long-term impact

The JLA recognises that assessing the value and impact of a PSP is challenging. It can take a long time to go from identification of a priority to starting funded research, and even longer for that research to report its outcomes. Any researcher, anywhere in the world, may start a project because of the PSP priorities and may not report this back to the PSP or the JLA. It is worth considering who will be able to keep this follow-up going on behalf of the PSP.

The JLA is nevertheless interested in reflecting on what difference the PSP has made in the long term. It is interested in how PSPs can track the impact of their process and publishes reports from PSPs that have been doing this. This includes reports from the Sight Loss and Vision PSP and the Autism PSP reviewing the impact of their PSPs one year after completion and a report from the Tinnitus PSP over five years after completion.

The JLA's website shows information about funded research that has happened as a direct result of PSPs and other ways in which PSPs have had an impact so please keep theJLA team updated when you find out about this. It is important feedback to the patients, carers and health and social care professionals who took the time to contribute to the PSP.

There are more examples of impact in the More than a Top 10 report (.PDF).