JLA Guidebook

JLA Advisers

JLA Advisers are independent, self-employed facilitators who are recruited, trained, and supervised by the JLA. PSPs contract directly with them.

The JLA Adviser's role is to support and guide the PSP, as a neutral facilitator, ensuring that the process is followed in a fair, transparent way, with equal input from patients, carers and clinicians and their representatives. They are experienced in working with PSPs in the UK and internationally. The JLA Advisers guide PSPs through the JLA method and will also regularly update the JLA about the progress of the PSPs they are supporting.

JLA Advisers normally start working with a PSP when the first PSP Steering Group meeting is being set up. Some PSPs may choose to run an initial awareness meeting, to raise the profile of the exercise amongst key stakeholders before establishing a Steering Group, and will involve the JLA Adviser at this stage. The PSP Steering Group will be independently chaired by a JLA Adviser throughout the 12-18 month priority setting work of the PSP.

Practical involvement of the JLA Advisers in the process (including chairing and facilitating meetings) usually reduces once the top 10 priorities have been agreed, although the Adviser may remain on hand to offer advice where needed. The PSP and JLA Adviser may wish to agree in advance at which point the Adviser's involvement is likely to end.

“The support of our JLA Adviser has been absolutely invaluable. We have been gently led through the process and having an experienced and, importantly, independent individual very much supports the transparent and equal way of working which is so crucial to the success of the PSP. Bringing expertise of what others have done, what worked well and what else we may want to consider in the context of our specialist area, has been particularly helpful. From PSP feedback survey to the JLA”