JLA Guidebook

Chapter 3: How to establish a PSP

Initial enquiry

The coordination of JLA Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) is managed by the JLA Secretariat team at the School of Healthcare Enterprise and Innovation, University of Southampton. The JLA Secretariat team manages enquiries about potential PSPs and then assesses their readiness to proceed. Once both parties are confident that a PSP has the right expertise and infrastructure in place, the JLA will allocate a JLA Adviser to work with that PSP. The self-employed JLA Adviser then contracts directly with the PSP. JLA Adviser time is chargeable to the PSP once they start work.

The JLA Secretariat team uses a readiness questionnaire to help people consider the areas important for setting up a PSP (for example financial and people resources, scope, patient and carer involvement, which research funders the priorities will be aimed at and how the PSP plans to engage with them). If you have plans in place to start a PSP and would like to see a copy of the readiness questionnaire, please email jla@southampton.ac.uk.