JLA Guidebook

What are the costs involved in running a PSP?

The costs involved in running a PSP can vary considerably. Many of the costs depend on the expertise and staffing resources that can be sourced from within the participating organisations. It is also important to consider the impact that the size and scope of the PSP will have on costs. As a guide, the JLA has a spreadsheet that shows examples of potential costs, based on the costs experienced by previous PSPs. Please email jla@southampton.ac.uk if you would like a copy.

All PSP costs need to be covered by the PSP budget. JLA PSPs must avoid being influenced by parties with a commercial interest in their topic. This includes avoiding PSPs being directly funded by a commercial organisation that could benefit commercially from the results.

Funds may come from one main organisation or charity or smaller contributions may be made by several partners in the PSP. If supporters of a PSP can provide, for example, administration support, meeting rooms and catering, or the time of an Information Specialist, at no cost, then overall PSP costs will be kept to a minimum.

Key costs are likely to be:

  • JLA Adviser time - the PSP contracts directly with the JLA Adviser for their time
  • PSP Coordinator time
  • PSP Leader's time
  • Information Specialist time
  • venue hire, refreshments and payment of travel expenses (and accommodation costs where necessary) for any face-to-face Steering Group meetings and the priority setting workshop
  • payment of patients and carers for time spent on the Steering Group or at the priority setting workshop if this is offered
  • website, communication and survey costs
  • the cost of at least two further JLA Advisers at the priority setting workshop, in addition to the PSP's dedicated JLA Adviser, who will facilitate the breakout groups on that day
  • publications, reports or articles about findings, and making these open access if possible
  • other follow-up work to encourage uptake of the priorities amongst researchers and funders, for example follow-on workshops or conference presentations.