Priority 17 Stroke Rehabilitation and Long-term Care

UNCERTAINTY: What are the public thoughts and feelings (perceptions) on these disabilities; what are the best ways to help people to understand these and improve attitudes toward, and support, stroke survivors? (JLA PSP Priority 17)
Overall ranking 17
JLA question ID 0106/17b
Explanatory note

9 out of 10 stroke survivors said they had at least one cognitive impact such as problems with memory or concentration, and three quarters experienced a change in their mental health [Ref. 8]. Understanding and awareness of these problems amongst the general public can improve recovery and quality of life for stroke survivors by helping social and emotional well-being. However, there is no evidence on public perceptions, or effective interventions that can support public understanding and awareness for impairments that may not be immediately visible, therefore research is needed in this area.

Ref 8: Stroke Association, 2019


No evidence identified

Health Research Classification System category Stroke
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples Find it difficult to explain to others what hemianopia is like. How can it be clearly explained? Most people think one eye will compensate ~ My wife doesn’t understand how my stroke has affected my personality and how I find less motivation in tasks. ~ How aware are the general public to the difficulties faced by stroke survivors, especially loss of vision, which is such a hidden defect. ~ Is every stroke different for each person and can they be in different areas of the brain?
Submitted by Stroke Survivor x 13, Carer x 5, Health/social care professional x 7
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0106
PSP name Stroke Rehabilitation and Long-term Care
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 93 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 19/20th April 2021