Priority 4 from the Setting priorities for social care research in Wales project

UNCERTAINTY: How can social care for older people be tailored to the interests and needs of individuals, including better involvement in decisions about their own care? (Priority 4)
Overall ranking 4
JLA question ID 0102/4
Explanatory note Older people and carers asked how to make care relevant and helpful for each individual to help them live their lives e.g. to get up when they want and do what they want – rather than fitting into the professional carers’ schedule. This means giving them a say in what care they receive. Tailoring services might also mean making sure they met the needs of different communities including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers, veterans with PTSD and people who are Deaf. It also means ensuring services and social care staff are sensitive to and respect the cultural differences in black communities and older people of colour. Practitioners raised the same points and also asked about increasing diversity amongst social care staff.

Gravolin M, Rowell K, de Groot J. Interventions to support the decision‐making process for older people facing the possibility of long‐term residential care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD005213. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005213.pub2. ~ Murray, J, Hardicre, N, Birks, Y, O’Hara, J, Lawton, R. How older people enact care involvement during transition from hospital to home: A systematic review and model. Health Expect. 2019; 22: 883– 893. ~ Higgins A, Downes C, Sheaf G, Bus E, Connell S, Hafford-Letchfield T, Jurček A, Pezzella A, Rabelink I, Robotham G, Urek M, van der Vaart N, Keogh B. Pedagogical principles and methods underpinning education of health and social care practitioners on experiences and needs of older LGBT+ people: Findings from a systematic review. Nurse Educ Pract. 2019 Oct;40:102625. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2019.102625. Epub 2019 Sep 12. PMID: 31541934. ~ Kwan, I., Rutter, D., Anderson, B. and Stansfield, C. (2019), "Personal care and practical support at home: a systematic review of older people’s views and experiences", Working with Older People, Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 87-106. ~ Van Loon, J., Luijkx, K., Janssen, M., De Rooij, I., & Janssen, B. (2019). Facilitators and barriers to autonomy: A systematic literature review for older adults with physical impairments, living in residential care facilities. Ageing and Society, 1-30. doi:10.1017/S0144686X19001557

Health Research Classification System category Generic health relevance
Extra information provided by this project
Original uncertainty examples Care homes to be more accessible for deaf people who uses sign language in order to reduce their isolation and feeling depressed. Will this likely to happen in the future? ~ How do we embed person centredness as the core of providing support & services to meet individual need/s? ~ Social Services ultimately has the responsibility of assessing risk/need and this can cause a diactomy between provisions due to budget constraints, so ways of increasing the funding and support and ability of all the sector to interact with the individual having more control over the process. ~ Are people being bought into a care home when more intensive, more expensive care can be provided at home?
Submitted by 11 x older people, 14 x carers, 5 x group members (a mix of older people and carers), 22 x practitioners, 1 x other
Project information
Project unique ID 0102
Project name Setting priorities for social care research in Wales
Total number of uncertainties identified by this project. 35 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 16 & 17 September 2020