Priority 6 from the Paediatric Hospital Care PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What mental health supports can be provided to parents, families and children and youth while hospitalized on the general paediatric inpatient unit? (JLA PSP Priority 6)
Overall ranking 6
JLA question ID 0114/06
Explanatory note It can be a stressful experience for children and their families on the general paediatric inpatien unit, as such it is important to understand what can be done to support their mental health

McCormick, R. (2017). Does access to green space impact the mental well-being of children: A systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 37, 3-7.
Mirghafourvand, M., Ouladsahebmadarek, E., Hosseini, M. B., Heidarabadi, S., Asghari-Jafarabadi, M., & Hasanpour, S. (2017). The effect of creating opportunities for parent empowerment program on parent’s mental health: A systematic review. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 27(2). [NICU based]
Zhang, Q., Wu, J., Sheng, X., & Ni, Z. (2021). Empowerment programs for parental mental health of preterm infants: A meta-analysis. Patient Education and Counseling.
Bieleninik, Ł., Konieczna-Nowak, L., Knapik-Szweda, S., & Kwaśniok, J. (2020). Evaluating feasibility of the LongSTEP (Longitudinal Study of music Therapy’s Effectiveness for Premature infants and their caregivers) protocol with a Polish cohort. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 29(5), 437-459.
Kasparian, N. A., Kan, J. M., Sood, E., Wray, J., Pincus, H. A., & Newburger, J. W. (2019). Mental health care for parents of babies with congenital heart disease during intensive care unit admission: Systematic review and statement of best practice. Early human development, 139, 104837. [ICU based]
Parent-directed intervention versus controls whilst their child waits for diagnostic assessment: a systematic review protocol [protocol AND during waiting period]
Facchini, M., & Ruini, C. (2020). The role of Music Therapy in the treatment of children with cancer: a systematic review of literature. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 101289.

Health Research Classification System category Generic health relevance
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples Can we improve comfort for baby/ anxiety for parents In bronchiolitis ,~ How hospitalization impacts anxiety levels in children - short and long term ~ How can we meet mental health needs of children and youth admitted to hospital? ~ what mental health supports can we put in place for kids before they need it? ~ Overall support of parent and mental health of child. It can be very isolating, especially if infection procedures in place ~ What help can we provide for parent for their mental health during this stressful time? ~ I wonder how we can reduce the stress of parents when a child is admitted with a complex formula (mix of powdered formula, modular +) +/- treated with medication (example of Kayexalate to remove potassium)
Submitted by 2 x physician, 1 x nurse practitioner, 2 x friend/family member, 1 x dietician, 1 x parent, 1 x physical therapist, 1 x kinesiologist, 1 x youth
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0114
PSP name Paediatric Hospital Care (Canada)
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 75 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 18th and 19th August 2021