Priority 14 from the Neurodevelopmental Disorders Canada PSP

UNCERTAINTY: How can barriers be reduced to ensure timely access of services, treatments and supports for neurodevelopmental disorders? (JLA PSP Priority 14)
Overall ranking 14
JLA question ID 0056/14
Explanatory note Poor access or awareness of services, treatments and supports for neurodevelopmental disorders is a huge challenge for families. Barriers to accessing services include prohibitive costs, geographical barriers, lack of transportation, years-long wait lists, and inconsistent support and information. The inequality of access and support for those in rural settings and northern communities is an especially important geographical barrier.
Evidence None identified
Health Research Classification System category Mental Health
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples How accessible are the services for individuals with neurodevelopmental developmental disorders? ~ How can people who are in need get access to the help they need much faster and easier? ~ how to access care, especially crisis care? ~ How can we be consistent with support to people diagnosed so as to achieve better responses? ~ What interferes with implementation of structural supports (i.e. school/occupational resources) and what are some ways around those barriers? ~ How to help areas with few supports? ~ is there a way to supplement costs of specialized therapies that may not be covered?
Submitted by Family members/carers, patients, clinicians, service providers, members of organizations
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0056
PSP name Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Canada)
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 63 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 28 September 2017