Multiple Conditions in Later Life

About this PSP

This PSP was led by Newcastle University, supported by the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, the NIHR Clinical Research Network and Engage FMS.

The Multiple Conditions in Later Life PSP Top 10 was published in May 2018.

PSP website
Articles and publications
Impact after the Top 10

Key documents

Multiple Conditions in Later Life PSP Protocol

Multiple Conditions in Later Life PSP Steering Group Terms of Reference








Top 10 Priorities

  1. How can current health, social care and voluntary sectors in the UK be optimised to more effectively meet the needs of older people living with multiple conditions?
  2. What are the most effective, cost effective and acceptable ways to reduce social isolation in older people with multiple conditions?
  3. What are the most effective, cost effective and acceptable strategies for the prevention of multiple conditions in later life?
  4. In what ways can carers of older people with multiple conditions be supported to maintain their own physical and psychological wellbeing?
  5. What is the most effective, cost effective and acceptable form of exercise therapy in different health and social care settings with older people with multiple conditions? How does exercise therapy affect outcomes in this population?
  6. How can the recognition and management of frailty be improved in older people with multiple conditions? Would this lead to an increase in perceived quality of life?
  7. How can Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment be optimally delivered in different patient populations experiencing multiple conditions in older age?
  8. What are the most effective, cost effective and acceptable interventions to improve the psychological wellbeing of older people with multiple conditions?
  9. How can independent living be most effectively and acceptably enabled in older people with multiple conditions in the UK?
  10. How do older people with multiple conditions perceive and manage their risk of falls? How can fear of falling be effectively addressed?

    The following questions were also discussed and put in order of priority at the workshop:

  11. What are the most effective and acceptable ways to train and regulate carers of older people with multiple conditions? Would this improve outcomes for this population?
  12. How do older people with multiple conditions perceive their independence? What are the most important factors in maintaining this independence?
  13. How can hospital admission and re-admission rates be reduced for older people with multiple conditions?
  14. How can cognitive decline due to lack of sensory stimulation or input be prevented in people who are older and experiencing multiple conditions?
  15. What is the prevalence and causes of inadequately controlled pain amongst older people living with multiple conditions?
  16. What are the most effective, cost effective and acceptable de-prescribing interventions for older people living with multiple conditions?
  17. How can exercises to reduce the prevalence of falls in older people with multiple conditions be effectively incorporated into routine care pathways?
  18. What is the impact of social isolation upon the mental and physical wellbeing of older people living with multiple conditions?
  19. What is the cause and impact of poor sleep on older people with multiple health conditions? What are the most effective ways to address it?
  20. Is there a correlation between poor outcomes in older people with multiple conditions and inadequate levels of care received by them?
  21. What are the most effective and acceptable methods to support medication adherence in older people with multiple conditions?

Document downloads

For full details of all of the questions identified by this PSP, please see the document below.
