Critical Care Asia and Africa

This PSP aims to identify patient, carer, community and healthcare provider research priorities based on their experiences of intensive care.

Identifying stakeholders' priorities for research to improve critical care patient outcomes and ICU service delivery in poorer resourced healthcare systems is a key element in determining the agenda for international and regional healthcare research commissioning.

About the Critical Care Asia and Africa Priority Setting Partnership

Whilst priority setting partnerships have identified research priorities in the UK, the heterogeneous nature of disease and conditions resulting in critical illness, together with wide variation in intensive care unit (ICU) service organisation and delivery, means the expectation and experiences of both healthcare providers and those receiving care are likely to be different.

The Collaboration for Research, Implementation and Training in Critical Care in Asia and Africa (CCAA) is a Wellcome funded community of practice led by clinicians working with critically ill patients in diverse healthcare systems internationally. Its aim is to improve outcomes for critically ill patients, build on existing capacity for research and strengthen ICU service provision in poorer resourced healthcare settings. Collaborators are predominantly but not exclusively located in the Asia and Africa continents. 

The PSP will seek to identify priority research questions regarding management of patients in the ICU, ICU organisation and service delivery, and improving patients' physical and psychological recovery following critical illness.

The Critical Care Asia and Africa partnership

Key documents

These documents set out the aims, objectives and commitments of the PSP.

Critical Care Asia and Africa PSP Steering Group terms of reference

Critical Care Asia and Africa PSP protocol (.PDF) (PDF 0.60 MB)


