Priority 11 from the Contraception PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What are the most effective methods of promoting sexual health services (to everyone, including young people, those who don't speak or read English or who are vulnerable)? (JLA PSP Priority 11)
Overall ranking 11
JLA question ID 0049/11
Explanatory note The review looked at promoting uptake and use of effective contraceptives rather than promoting services. Results showed that computer-based interventions are effective tools for learning about sexual health, and they also improve self-efficacy, intention and sexual behaviour, but more research is needed to establish whether computer-based interventions can change outcomes such as sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. Since 2013 commissioning contraceptive services moved to local councils and - 1 in 3 councils has closed services since 2015,. GPs also provide contraceptive services but young people may be embarrassed to discuss sexual health with their GP, they may not be registered with a GP or unable to get an appointment. Young women are most likely to use community sexual health services, clinic attendances are falling (about 2% per year), this may indicate that people who need to use the service are not aware of them or how to access care. Against this background health care professionals and service users were keen to know what methods of promoting services and information about contraception are effective.

Interventions for preventing unintended pregnancies among adolescents Chioma Oringanje, Martin M Meremikwu, Hokehe Eko, Ekpereonne Esu, Anne Meremikwu, John E Ehiri. February 2016

Brief educational strategies for improving contraception use in young people. Laureen M Lopez, Thomas W Grey, Elizabeth E. Tolley, Mario Chen. March 2016

Mobile phone‐based interventions for improving contraception use. Chris Smith, Judy Gold, Thoai D Ngo, Colin Sumpter, Caroline Free. June 2015

Health Research Classification System category Reproductive Health and Childbirth
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples

“Feel that there is a lack of Info/ advertising for women about sexual health services. They are different as not as large as a local hospital or could be some distance away from GP” (both).

Submitted by Healthcare Professionals x 3~Patients x 8~Both x 2
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0049
PSP name Contraception
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 57 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 21 April 2017