Priority 24 from the Broken Bones of the Upper Limb in People over 50

UNCERTAINTY: What information should be provided about casts / splints to ensure they work correctly and do not cause any problems to people over 50 with an upper limb fracture? Who should provide this information and how? (JLA PSP Priority 24)
Overall ranking 24
JLA question ID 0093/24
Explanatory note Many patients who sustain an upper limb fracture require a cast or splint to help them recover. Knowing how to use these correctly to help their recovery and prevent any problems is essential. There are already some guidelines in the casting standards document released by the British Orthopaedic Association. This question looks to determine if the information in these guidelines is enough or is more information needed and who is the best person to deliver this information.

BOA National Casting Standards: Published November 2015.

The British Society of Surgery for the Hand. Best Practice for management of Distal Radius Fractures (DRFs). BSSH, 2018

Health Research Classification System category Injuries and Accidents
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples Who provides information re managing cast/brace/sling? ~ Why aren't patients given a protective bag for showering, or even some advice? ~ Why was I not given information on what to do if the cast became very loose after swelling went down?
Submitted by 1 x Healthcare Professionals, 12 x Patients, 1 x Not Stated
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0093
PSP name Broken Bones of the Upper Limb in People over 50 PSP
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 50 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 3 December 2018