Priority 4 from the Bleeding Disorder PSP

UNCERTAINTY: How should heavy periods be managed in women with bleeding disorders? (JLA PSP Priority 4)
Overall ranking 4
JLA question ID 0078/4
Explanatory note As well as causing significant blood loss, sufficient to cause anaemia, heavy menstrual bleeding can be a significant barrier to normal activity and have a negative impact of quality of life for women. The problem is not always explained entirely by the bleeding disorder and therefore requires close collaboration with a gynaecologist to find the most effective and satisfactory approach for individual women. This may well be a combination of haemostatic and hormonal or even surgical methods.
Evidence No systematic reviews .

Menorrhagia and postpartum haemorrhage in women with rare bleeding disorder.
Halimeh S.
Thrombosis Research. 135 Suppl 1:S34-7, 2015 Feb.
Health Research Classification System category Blood
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples Which is the most effective treatment for Post Partum Acquired Haemophilia? ~ What is the most effective strategy to manage post part haemorrhage? ~ What are the best treatments for PPH?
Submitted by Not available
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0078
PSP name Bleeding Disorders
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 66 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 7 July 2018