Priority 25 from the Bipolar PSP

UNCERTAINTY:What is the impact of more positive attitudes to bipolar amongst (a) health professionals and (b) people affected by bipolar? (JLA PSP Priority 25)
Overall ranking 25
JLA question ID 0041/25
Explanatory note Not available for this PSP.

None identified

Health Research Classification System category Mental Health
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples For full examples, see Category ID T18 on spreadsheet. Does the way a psychiatrist communicates the prognosis of bipolar to a patient have an impact on the prognosis itself? For example, if a person's psychiatrist is more optimistic about the prognosis, does this result in a reduced relapse rate and improved recovery (similar to the placebo effect)? ~ Is it helpful in terms of clinical outcomes to promote a recovery approach and emphasise that recovery is possible. ~ Is it possible to assess the effects of a doctor [GP or Psychiatrist] telling people that the prognosis is poor / someone should not expect to work with bipolar etc? or alternatively the doctor transmitting a positive message about self- management and hope? ~ Do negative attitudes increase the incidence of illness? Are these things important in causing poor mental health? ~ What are patients beliefs about prognosis/ recovery and how might these prediction affect actual outcomes.
Submitted by Patients x 13 ~ Carers x 8 ~ Health Professionals x 4 ~ others x 3
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0041
PSP name Bipolar
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 363 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 14 June 2016