Priority 13 from the Alcohol-related Liver Disease PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What effect would greater alcohol-related liver disease education/training of GPs and secondary care clinicians have on the mortality outcome of alcohol-related liver disease? (JLA PSP Priority 13)
Overall ranking 13
JLA question ID 0044/13
Explanatory note (including examples of original survey submissions) This question is important for two reasons: ARLD is all too infrequently identified at primary care level and on presenting at hospitals - usually with advanced liver disease - most ARLD patients are treated by non-hepatologists who lack the detailed experience and knowledge of how best to treat this complex disease. Research to identify the knowledge gaps and their effect on outcomes could lead to focused training/education of involved clinicians and potentially a significant decrease in disease progression and mortality. "What effect would there be on liver disease mortality if GP's had to undergo obligatory focused education on early diagnosis of liver disease?" "Would educating doctors - including consultants, other hospital doctors and GPs in the optimum diet/nutrition for ARLD patients prevent more harm and deaths?" "What proportion of ARLD patients are harmed through the inappropriate prescription of medical drugs? How can doctors be trained to avoid these mistakes?"
Evidence None identified
Health Research Classification System category Oral and Gastrointestinnal
Extra information provided by this PSP
Submitted by 2 patients and 4 carers
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0044
PSP name Alcohol-related Liver Disease
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 45 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 16 September 2016