Toto Anne Gronlund

JLA Adviser

Toto holds to heart values of openness, honesty and mutual respect. Toto is committed to creating opportunities for the expertise of the self to emerge, adopting the value of co-creation, for a more sustainable health and care system.

Toto brings over 30 years of experience in health, social care and the voluntary sector. She has recently retired from the NHS, having worked in citizen and clinical involvement, health Informatics, evaluation and health economics. In the voluntary sector she has held roles as a Trustee and facilitator and mentor. Most rewarding was helping groups to use participative evaluation to develop and value their work and their members. Toto started her NHS career as a Hospital Medical Physicist, working in research into non-invasive diagnostics.

As part of lifelong learning Toto completed a diploma in International Primary Care Research at UCL, specialising in the use of the narrative in health research, care and education.

Toto also spends plenty of time with family and friends, and takes to the hills, cycles and keeps bees.