
  • Published: 06 October 2021
  • 1 min read

Care, support and rehabilitation for patients with brain tumours

In September 2024, NIHR's Health Technology Assessment Programme and Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme both issued funding opportunities highlighting Care, support and rehabilitation for patients with brain tumours, suggesting that researchers review the priorities from the JLA PSP in Neuro-oncology.

FUT U RE GB Trial (Functional and Ultrasound guided Resection of Glioblastoma) A 2-Stage trial. Stage 1 Non-randomised learning phase evaluation of participating centres (an IDEAL study), followed by Stage 2 which is randomised,controlled Multicentre Phase III trial with 2 mechanistic substudies

Addressing priority 4: NIHR research in progress

This project asks: What is the best technology a surgeon can use to remove as much brain tumour as possible, whilst minimising risk of damaging brain function?

APPROACH: Analysis of Proton vs. Photon Radiotherapy in Oligodendroglioma and Assessment of Cognitive Health

Addressing priority 7: NIHR research in progress

This study team wants to find out if proton or photon radiotherapy (RT) is the best treatment for patients with oligodendroglioma to reduce long-term side effects. To do this they will compare the long-term side effects of proton and photon RT for patients with oligodendroglioma.

PROgesterone as a Steroid SParing agent against oEdema occurring with bRain cancers

Addressing priority 11: NIHR research in progress

Patients with cancers affecting their brain often have brain swelling caused by the tumour that can cause problems including headaches, sickness and sometimes seizures (epileptic fits). The swelling is normally treated using a steroid medicine called dexamethasone. Unfortunately, dexamethasone has side effects including mood changes, sleep problems and weight gain. Progesterone is another steroid that is produced naturally in the body at quite high levels in premenopausal women; it is also present at low levels in men, in whom it is converted to the male hormone testosterone. Progesterone has been used for almost 60 years as a contraceptive (to prevent pregnancy) and has fewer side effects than dexamethasone. In laboratory research looking at head injury, progesterone does reduce brain swelling, suggesting it may allow lower doses of dexamethasone to be used in people with cancer affecting the brain. This study is looking to establish the dose of progesterone to give to people with cancer that has affected the brain and to look for signs that taking progesterone may reduce the dose of dexamethasone such people need.