Cystic Fibrosis

  • Published: 13 March 2020
  • 1 min read

Broad commissioning brief advertised to researchers by NIHR Programmes in October 2020, asking for research in all aspects of Cystic Fibrosis.

A randomised open label trial to assess change in respiratory function for people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF) established on triple combination therapy (Kaftrio) after rationalisation of nebulised muco-active therapies (the CF STORM trial)

Addressing priority 1: NIHR research in progress

People with Cystic Fibrosis spend many hours every day on multiple treatments, including aerosolised therapies delivered by nebulisers to keep their lungs stable and prevent chest infections. The CF STORM trial has been designed to address the question of how to safely reduce treatment burden.

Gut Imaging for Function and Transit in CF (GIFT-CF) Study

Addressing priority 2: Read about this study here

ExACT-CF: Exercise as an Airway Clearance Technique in people with Cystic Fibrosis A randomised pilot trial

Addressing priorities 1 and 7: NIHR research in progress

People with CF have asked if doing exercise could have the same effect as chest physiotherapy sessions for helping clear mucus. Exercise could be more enjoyable and less burdensome. Surveys show that many people with CF have occasionally chosen to replace chest physiotherapy with exercise for airway clearance, and this research team recently confirmed this through a UK-wide survey. The team is now conducting this pilot study to fund out if people with CF would be willing to take part in research that asks some to stop chest physiotherapy and to exercise (with coughs and huffs) instead.

More information about research addressing the PSP priorities is available in this news article.