Complex Fractures PSP Engagement Summary

  • Published: 19 January 2022
  • Version: V1
  • 1 min read

Gathering uncertainties

Methods used (eg, survey, focus groups, interviews): Survey - both online and paper format

Number %
Total respondents (across all methods) 158 100
Total patients and carers 33 21
Total health and care professionals 119 75
Preferred not to say 6 4
Total number of original uncertainties submitted 532 100
Original uncertainties in scope 501 94
Original uncertainties out of scope 31 6

Interim prioritisation

Methods used (eg, survey, focus groups, interviews: Survey - both online and paper format

Number %
Total number of indicative questions (answered & unanswered) 58 100
Number of verified answered questions 0 0
Number of verified unanswered questions 58 100
Number of verified unanswered questions included in the interim prioritisation 58
Total respondents (across all methods) 136 100
Total patients and carers 56 41
Total health and care professionals 80 59
Number of questions taken to final workshop 18

Final priority setting workshop

Number %
Total participants 29 100
Total patients and carers 16 55
Total healthcare professionals 13 45