Cardiomyopathy PSP engagement summary

  • Published: 17 July 2024
  • Version: V1
  • 1 min read

Gathering uncertainties

Methods used (eg survey, focus groups, interviews)


Responders and uncertainties Number Percentage
Total respondents (across all methods) 1020 100
Total patients and carers 785 77
Total health and care professionals 173 17
Total number of original uncertainties submitted 2281 100
Original uncertainties in scope 1528 67
Original uncertainties out of scope 753 33

Interim prioritisation

Methods used (eg survey, focus groups, interviews)


Responders and uncertainties Number Percentage
Total number of indicative questions (answered & unanswered) 63 100
Number of verified answered questions 0 0
Number of verified unanswered questions 63 100
Number of verified unanswered questions included in the interim prioritisation 63 Not applicable
Total respondents (across all methods) 660 100
Total patients and carers 535 81
Total health and care professionals 91 14
Number of questions taken to final workshop 26 Not applicable

Final priority setting workshop

Participants Number Percentage
Total participants 31 100
Total patients and carers 15 48
Total health and care professionals 16 52


Categorisation of respondents: For both surveys, gathering uncertainties and interim prioritisation, the same questions were asked to gather information about how the respondent was affected by cardiomyopathy. The totals do not equal 100%, as in both surveys, a number of people did not provide this data. It was also possible for respondents to select multiple categories – they may be a health care professional and a patient or carer, and multiple categories of patient and carer too. For clarity within this data, and to minimise duplication in the data, if the respondent has selected health care professional they are included solely in that category.

Gathering uncertainties: Effort was put into trying to arrange discussion groups for both youth (18-25) and ethnic minorities, however due to low numbers of people engaged these did not go ahead, and those due to attend were encouraged to complete the survey instead.

Workshop attendees: 1 participant fell into both categories, so in line with the approach to the surveys, they have been included in health care professional only for the purpose of this summary.